Archive for August, 2011

producer’s document series #2 – comparable films

Posted in document download, production, script development, the business on August 16, 2011 by scriptguyphil

This is the second in a series where I will be uploading documents that production companies use during the development phase.

These documents highlight the commerciality of a project and will give an insight into the development process from a producer’s perspective, particularly in regards to financing. Although I would always urge a writer to write the script they want to, it is definitely an advantage to have information like this in the back of your mind, not only regarding your story and its potential budget requirements, but it might also help you in your decision as to which companies/producers to approach.

This time I will be looking at how producer’s use previously released films similar to your script to help raise financing, but which also aids in marketing a finished film. (If you missed the first in the series on the Project Sheet, you can find it here).

When a producer approaches private investors to access funding for a feature film it is important to have a proof of concept. Investing in movies is a gamble – plain and simple – and that is where comparable films come in handy.

A solid, varied list of films comparable with the one that you are trying to finance will give a clear picture to the ‘money men’ as to what they can expect for their investment. A producer worth their salt will be able to draw up a list that is both realistic (an investor can smell an overly positive list a mile away!), but also one that will peak their interest that the project in question has the potential to make them a buck or two.

An interesting thing to be aware of is that box office gross, although important, isn’t the number one priority for an investor. They are more concerned with those three little words – Return on Investment (ROI). Naturally the more money a film makes the more they will get back, but these are people that work in percentages, and the higher the ROI percentage, the better, regardless of how many thousands or millions of dollars we are talking about.

That is why the key figure at the bottom of the comparable films table is the ROI percentage – not a dollar value!

I’ve attached a comparable films table below for a serial killer film we had in development at Zeitgeist Film so you see how our projections for the project compared with films of the same type. It is very important to choose films that are as close to your own project in genre, tone and budget. Working with films of a similar budget is key – your producer shouldn’t compare a low budget indie film with a hollywood studio film even if the stories and themes are the same as it will create an unbalanced outcome.

Download the comparable table here – comparable films – TOMB

I hope you find it helpful!

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Good luck and happy writing
